Phenomenology is the study of the meaning of lived-through experiences— phenomena, as they appear, reveal, and show themselves, and as they give themselves in our consciousness, before they have even been named, conceptualized, abstracted, and/or theorized. “Doing phenomenology” involves a certain way of seeing and thinking—it is not a doctrine but rather a philosophic way (methodos) to meaning, not a body of knowledge but rather an attitude or disposition. If it were a doctrine then phenomenology would include a study of the canons, creeds, and courses of the particular traditions that are historically associated with the various philosophical perspectives. But since phenomenology is primarily a philosophic method, attitude, and way of thinking and seeing, the (writing) practice of phenomenology is actually flexible and can be quite creative. It primarily requires an insightful and a sensitive orientation to the meaningfulness of the things and events that matter and that we encounter and experience in everyday life.
- Doing Phenomenology
- Epoché-Reduction
- Human Science
- Openness
- Phenomenological Questioning
- Phenomenology of Practice
- Streams of Texts
- Writing
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Phenomenality
- Abstemious Reflection
- Analysis of Themes
- Convoking (Em)Pathy
- Corporeality
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Examples
- Invoking Intensification
- Pathic
- Phenomenality
- Revoking Lived-Throughness
- Theoretic
- Vocative Address
- Wonder
- Analysis of Themes
- Convoking (Em)Pathy
- Corporeality
- Depth
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Examples
- Existentials
- Invoking Intensification
- Lived Experience
- Pathic
- Phenomenality
- Theoretic
- Vocative Address
- Wonder
- Analysis of Themes
- Concreteness
- Convoking (Em)Pathy
- Corporeality
- Depth
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Examples
- Existentials
- Invoking Intensification
- Lived Experience
- Phenomenality
- Revoking Lived-Throughness
- Theoretic
- Wonder
- Abstemious Reflection
- Analysis of Themes
- Concreteness
- Convoking (Em)Pathy
- Corporeality
- Depth
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Existentials
- Invoking Intensification
- Pathic
- Phenomenality
- Revoking Lived-Throughness
- Theoretic
- Vocative Address
- Abstemious Reflection
- Analysis of Themes
- Concreteness
- Depth
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Examples
- Lived Experience
- Pathic
- Phenomenality
- Revoking Lived-Throughness
- Theoretic
- Vocative Address
- Wonder
- Abstemious Reflection
- Analysis of Themes
- Concreteness
- Convoking (Em)Pathy
- Corporeality
- Depth
- Embodiment Phenomenology
- Examples
- Existentials
- Invoking Intensification
- Lived Experience
- Pathic
- Vocative Address