Home 9 Inquiry 9 Category: Methodology

Hermeneutic Reduction

The hermeneutic reduction: openness Method: Bracket all interpretation and reflectively explicate whatever assumptions seem to need attention in writing the research text. One needs to reflect on one’s own preunderstandings, frameworks, and biases regarding the...

Heuristic Reduction

The heuristic reduction: wonder Method: Bracket the attitude of taken-for-grantedness and aim to awaken a profound sense of wonder about the phenomenon in which one is interested. At the most basic level the phenomenological reduction consists of the attitude or mood...

Methodological Reduction

The methodological reduction: approach Method: Bracket all established investigative methods or techniques and seek or invent an approach that seems to fit most appropriately the phenomenological topic under study. One needs to invent a flexible narrative rationality,...


The heuristic epoché-reduction consists of the epoché of bracketing (disturbing, shattering) the attitude of taken-for-grantedness. It aims to awaken a profound sense of wonder about the phenomenon or event in which one is interested—the heuristic moment occurs in...

Ontological Reduction

The ontological reduction: otherness Method: advice-Explore what recommendations for human action or social policy may be suggested. The ontological reduction involves the suspension of being itself. In Heidegerrian terms phenomenology asks the question of the being...

Phenomenological Reduction

The phenomenological reduction: concreteness Method: Bracket all knowledge, all theory or theoretical meaning, all belief in what is real, and aim at evoking concreteness or living meaning. The phenomenological reduction requires that one avoid all abstraction, all...