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Dilthey, Wilhelm

What is “lived experience” (Erlebnis)? This is an important question because phenomenological human science begins in lived experience and eventually turns back to it. Dilthey (1985) has suggested that in its most basic form lived experience involves our immediate,...

Kant, Immanuel

Famously, Kant made a distinction between the things-in-themselves (noumena) that lie beyond the reach and realm of human thinking and the things (phenomena) that we encounter (intuit) in everyday experiences as they appear in consciousness. Phenomena are the many...

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Perhaps Nietzsche’s most famous essay is “On Truth and Lie in a Nonmoral Sense.” In this essay he mocks the human effort to arrive at truth by erecting huge and complex conceptual frameworks and structures of scientific knowledge that in a fundamental sense rests on...