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Click on any of the spheric globules and you are in the midst of a cloud displaying words expressing multiple meaningful significances. Each highlighted blue circle presents a first order phenomenology term and an accompanying text explicating and discussing an aspect of meaning of phenomenology in this Word Cloud semantic language. Highlight a second order grey or third order orange term and you will be drawn more deeply into the relational meanings of phenomenology itself. The relational logic of the Word Cloud mediated approach provides and shapes the understanding of open and deeper meanings
Phenomenology is an influential and complex philosophic tradition that has given rise to various related philosophical movements such as existentialism, poststructuralism, postmodernism, feminism, culture critique, and various forms of analytical and new theory. Major contemporary figures such as Foucault, Derrida, Rorty, find the impetus and sources of their writings in earlier phenomenological works by Husserl, Heidegger, Blanchot, Levinas, and others. But phenomenology may also be considered a human science method: a profoundly reflective inquiry into human meaning. Phenomenology as a research perspective can be studied in terms of several domains of inquiry.